Group workshop or a digital course?
There are many advantages to a group workshop.
Participants can bounce ideas off one another and sharing the experience enhances the learning process.
In addition, although a workshop is not a classic ‘support group’, the solidarity that is felt as everyone goes through a similar (yet individually different) experience can be encouraging and empowering.
If joining a live group workshop is not possible due to the logistics of time or location, a digital course is an excellent second option.

A digital course offers flexibility as it enables you to choose the time and place at your convenience. Though lacking the atmosphere of the group workshop, the digital courses offer a more discreet and personal connection with the counselor which can be somewhat of an advantage.
In addition, the digital course is excellent for those who have participated in workshops in the past and feel that they need a ‘refresher’.

Digital courses are available in English and Hebrew in various categories.
Whatever you choose, whether it’s a group workshop or a digital course, the the most important thing it is to become acquainted with the Shefer Approach!

On-line parenting course in English by Chagit Zelcer

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